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The goal of Family and Community Well-Being is to provide our clients the tools necessary to live a healthy, self-sufficient, and fulfilling life. We do this by directly interacting with the community, partnering with other organizations, and advocating on our community’s behalf.

By the Numbers

Clients directly supported in 2024
Referrals made in 2024
Cultivate Wellness Household Participants

Healthy Communities

To create sustainable health programming that fosters awareness, educates and supports the health and wellness of our Latino and immigrant community.

Health and WELL-Being pillar

Programming within Healthy Communities strengthens family relationships and supports parents by providing culturally appropriate education and enrichment opportunities.

Club de Niños Saludables

Club de Niños Saludables, or Healthy Kids Club, focuses on preventing childhood obesity and promoting lifelong health in a fun and engaging way through nutrition education and physical activity. Activities include Zumba, yoga, healthy cooking demonstrations, and other workshops and activities.

Additional Health and Wellness Strategies

Healthy Communities enriches community health by offering culturally appropriate education, enrichment, and on-site health services. These include community resource and awareness campaigns and distributions, mammogram screenings, flu clinics, Spanish CPR training, and our annual Women’s Health Conference.

 Healthy Communities

Social Integration Pillar

Community system support and referrals equips community members with the knowledge and skills required to navigate key systems and foster their connection to the community.

  • Access to legal and immigration consultations through partnerships with Dornan Law and Associates and the Law Office of Sylvia Rodriguez.
  • Direct 1-1 Support: brief translation and/or interpretation of document(s), SNAP application, Dollar Energy Utility Assistance Program.
  • Referral Support: Referrals, community resources connection, and awareness to health care, government, legal, housing, social supports, pantry, and education. Referrals done via Unite US referral system and networking.
  • Direct support and referral services are strategically integrated into many Family & Community Well-Being programs to facilitate wrap-around support.

Bilingual Reading PrimeTime

In partnership with Nebraska Humanities, Primetime is a way for families to spend time together reading books, discussing them, and engaging with other families in the community.

For our Community (Civic Engagement)

Ensures our community is civically engaged by practicing their right to vote, building awareness of issues impacting our community, and making sure their voices are heard.

  • Voter registration, outreach, and awareness
  • Advocacy, Census, and GOTV educational presentations and trainings

Comunidades Fuertes

Comunidades Fuertes, or Strong Communities, bring community members and public representatives together to discuss, connect, and form better relationships through conversations and understanding of public services. Group conversations are held and resources are shared through six sessions with bilingual (Spanish-speaking) representatives from OPD, OFD, City of Omaha, MUD, Immigration attorney, and DHHS.

Nebraska Voter Information

Voter rEGISTRATION Information

Are you registered to vote? Registering to vote is quick, free, and easy.

Click the link below to register or update your voter registration information.


Election Information

Learn what candidates are running for office in your area, ballot measures, and explore your day-of voting options including what you need to bring with you on Election Day.

Click the link below for more information.



Voter ID Information

On June 1, 2023, the Governor signed into law LB514, which establishes voter identification (ID) requirements for elections in Nebraska.

The first election requiring voter ID will be the May 14, 2024, statewide primary election.

All special and statewide elections after this date will require voter ID.

No special election prior to May 14, 2024 will require voter ID.


Cultivate Wellness

Cultivate Wellness is an at-home gardening initiative that empowers urban residents to grow their own fresh produce, fostering food security and self-sufficiency within the community. Through health education, urban gardening training, and access to essential resources, Cultivate Wellness promotes healthy living, strengthens community bonds, and builds resilience.

cuLTIVATE Wellness

Cultivate Wellness is an at-home gardening and health initiative that uses gardening as a catalyst to address comprehensive health and social needs. Trained staff address and improve access to affordable produce in the southeast Omaha community.

They also provide education and training for families and community members to build, grow, and maintain their own culturally appropriate home gardens. See this program’s impact in our Cultivating Community video.


Siembra Salud Internship program

Siembra Salud interns work alongside the Latino Center’s Cultivate Wellness program delivering health education and hands-on gardening experiences, and are introduced to the multiple facets of the Public Health field. Qualified students may also have the opportunity to become Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA).

Siembra Nebraska provides internships for local high school and college students in urban agriculture, multimedia, business, construction, public health, and more. In the five different internship programs, interns are able to develop leadership skills through on-the-job experience and mentorship opportunities. Click the button to learn more about Siembra Nebraska.


Cultivating Community

An HDR Foundation grant sponsored by Jose Labrador supported the Latino Center of the Midlands’ home gardening program known as Siembra Salud, translated as “grow wellness.” The program is having a snowball effect in people’s lives beyond growing vegetables. It’s opening doors to other programs and cultivating community among immigrant families.

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